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How to Install Chrome OS

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As Google announced, it needs special hardware which will be available at end of next year. Now the curiosity rises to try the OS yourself. For the meantime, you can Virtualize the OS and run it under VMware or Virtualbox. You can either download the source and trying building it (if you are an developer) else download binaries directly and run them under VMWare/Virtualbox.

Step 1. Download The Image from build that GDGT has uploaded. The former way needs registration.

Step 2. Download VMWare Player or VMWare Fusion and run it.

Step 3. Unzip the downloaded image. In VMware/VirtualBox and create a new virtual machine. One of the options will be to use an “existing virtual disk.” (In VMware Fusion, this is the last option below, “use operating system disk” and “use OS disc image file.”). Make sure your VM is set to use bridged networking, rather than NAT.

Step 4. Login to Chrome OS with username and password which is nothing but your Google account!

Disable Autorun on Microsoft Windows 7

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What is the relationship Conficker with Windows 7? Worm Conficker or Kido or Downadup can spread to the computer via a removable storage device such as USB drives or flash. Meanwhile, Microsoft, Tuesday (28 / 4) and said that his side will change the way of a USB flash drive or system Windows 7 at the latest, version of Release Candidate (RC).
As a result of the changes, Microsoft makes most of flash can not appear automatically display the program using the Windows feature called as Autorun. In a blog posting Microsoft (blogs.technet.com), Microsoft explained that if the infected flash inserted in the machine based on Windows 7, the task Autorun will not be displayed.
While in the other removable media, such as CDs and DVDs can still use the Autorun feature. In addition, several flash ’smart’ software that has also u3 can still shown as DVD drive, and use the Autorun feature. Changes made to Microsoft this will be shown in the features of Windows 7 RC that plan will be published in the upcoming month of May. Microsoft also plans to make changes in Windows Vista and Windows XP. Autorun functionality in Windows is never be wrong over the spread of malware that comes from the flashdisk.

Windows 7 64 bit vs 32 bit

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Need to choose between 32 bit or 64 bit when Windows 7 comes. What to consider for model 2. OS 32 bit system or 64 bit is different, because the instructions made on Processor. Impact of the 32 bit or 64 bit is also related to how much computer memory.
64 bit OS not necessarily faster than the 32 bit OS. Due to this there are so many software that works with 32bit only. Lucky, some game programs appears to be using 64 bit OS.
Select which, 32 bits or 64 bits for Windows 7 later:
4GB memory or more. Should use the 64bit OS. Features of the game software, CAD, video editing and multitasking application with very great benefit to the 64 bit OS. While the 32 bits will be limited to 4GB of memory on the computer. When choosing a 64 bit, you should make sure your computer memory larger than 4GB.
Beware of the 16 bit software will not work with 64 bit OS. When you work with the program longer and try to move a 64 bit OS. Akan is not the road.
The driver, when it is complete you can use the 64 bit OS. But be careful of equipment on your computer. When the driver provides only 32 bit version only, then the hardware can not run on 64 bit OS.

They also use the hardware that the system kernal mode. This becomes a problem when working with 64 bit OS.
OS 32 bit or 64 bit, which is fast for the application. 64 bit OS will make the application slow work, if you still use the type of 32-bit software. But when the 64 bit OS using 64 bit software, the software will work as usual.
Another thing to consider is the choice Processor. Processor for hardware and older should still retain the 32-bit OS only.

Mac OS X Leopard X86 10.5.8 untuk Intel dan AMD

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Instalasi ini untuk Prosesor Intel atau AMD. Dikembangkan oleh Layne and iHackintosh Team. 
OS ini dirilis berdasarkan Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8 sampai update terbarunya.

Adapun spesifikasi minimal yang dibutuhkan adalah sebagai berikut:

System require :
CPU: P4 2Ghz , Core 2
Ram: 512 MB
VGA: 128Mb 
• Intel

• ALC662 
• ALC850 
• ALC861 
• ALC882 
• ALC883 
• ALC883 AppleHDA Patch by Taruga 
• ALC888 
• ALC888 AppleHDA Patch by Taruga 
• ALC889 
• ADI1988 
• AppleAzaliaAudio 
• AC97Audio 
• Sigmatel 9200 - Inspirion 9400 
• STAC9271 

• AppleNForceATA 
• AppleNForceATA Test 
• MCP67 
• ICHx Fixed 
• JMicronATA 
• SAS 
• SiliconImage 

• 9.5.0 Vanilla (Intel/SSE3) 
• 9.4.0 StageXNU (Intel/AMD/SSE2/SSE3) 
• 9.2.0 Sleep (Intel/AMD/SSE2/SSE3) 
• 9.2.0 SpeedStep (Intel/AMD/SSE2/SSE3) 
• 9.2.2 SSE3 (Intel/AMD/SSE3) 

- Ethernet 
• AppleBC440X 
• AppleBC5751 
 Realtek RTL8111 
 Realtek 8201CL ( For ULI Chipset ) 
• AppleYukon2 
• AttansicL1 
• Forcedeth 
• Intel100ProVE 
• Skge Marvell 
• ViaRhine 

- Wireless 
• Tiger-IO80211 
Ahteros Wifi Adapter • Broadcom 

• RT2500-RT73-USB 
• RT2860 
• RTL8187 
• RTL8187B 
• RTL8187L 
• Zydas-ZD1211-1215 

• ACPI-Fix 
• Cpus=1-Fix 
• AppleSMBIOS 
AppleSMBIOS 1.0.13 
AppleSMBIOS 1.0.1 ( Versione Tiger ) 
 FireWire Remove 
• ApplePS2Controller 
• IOUSBFamilyFix  
• Powermanagement 
• PowerOff_Fix 

AgpGart 2.7.1 

• X Series 

X1600 AGP 
X1600 PCIE 
X1950XT EFI 
X1950Gt Pro 
X1950XT Injector 

• HD Series 
HD 2400Pro AGP 
HD 2600Pro AGP 
HD 2600XT AGP 
HD 2400Pro PCIE 
HD 2600Pro PCIE 

• NVinject 0.2.1 per 128,256,320,512,640,768 Mb e 1Gb 
• NVinjectGO 
• NVinjectGO 512MB 
• NVKush 

• Intel GMA950 
• Intel GMAX3100 

• Adium 
• ASU 
• BetterZip 
• Colloquy 
• Firefox 3.0.1 
• Kext Helper 
• Menu Meters 
• Onyx 
• OSx86 Tools 
• Pacifist 
• Skype 
 Temperature Monitor

• Transmission 
• VLC 
• xBench

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